Wednesday, April 14, 2010

thats what i try to make..a difference..

people often ask me with raised brows, "you teach pre-primary?" "why are you wasting time?" "how much do you make?" "oh you teach the children a for apple and b for ball!!" "you teach them how to make clay balls!!" this used to leave me annoyed and sometimes fuming.. i used to explain to all of them patiently..that.. it is often goes unacknowleged..the work of a pre primary teacher..when people ask me what do i make, i'd say; i make them read their first letter, their first word, their first book; i make them hold their pencils, i make them write their first words, i teach them the virtue of respect, of gratitude, of honesty;i make them say sorry/thank you and mean it as well, i make them stand head held high for the national anthem, i teach them how to love- yourself and others, i make their imaginations soar, i make young minds think and be proud of themselves, i build an attitude, i build a character, i build a base, yes i can make a difference..